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Reflux & gastric sleeve surgery

by | Sep 30, 2022

The term reflux is used to describe a group of symptoms caused when acid or gastric content moves from the stomach up the oesophagus. It’s often also referred to as heartburn, but this is simply a symptom; ‘heartburn’ is used to describe the pain felt behind the lower breastbone that feels as if it has a ‘chemical’ or ‘burning’ component. 

There are lots of symptoms that people with chronic or severe acid reflux experience: heartburn, regurgitation, chest pain, bitter taste, belching/gas trapping, repetitive cough or asthma/breathlessness can all be associated with GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease), a chronic condition that requires treatment to prevent oesophageal damage.

obese man

GERD and obesity

Being overweight is one of the biggest risk factors for GERD. For example, many pregnant women experience acid reflux during pregnancy when they gain weight, but symptoms generally clear up once they return to their normal pre-pregnancy weight. Consequently, the most effective lifestyle change can be for a person to lose weight to help manage persistent and damaging symptoms. 

Losing weight by relying on diet and exercise alone is unrealistic for many, otherwise obesity as a disease wouldn’t exist. Weight loss surgery has been shown to provide effective long-term weight loss and weight control, for those that are willing to make the required dietary and lifestyle changes to maintain a healthy weight. 

Gastric sleeve surgery and GERD

Gastric sleeve surgery is the most popular bariatric surgery procedure worldwide and is very effective at causing weight loss, with studies showing that patients can lose between 20 – 35 percent of their total body weight. Performed laparoscopically (keyhole surgery), the bariatric surgeon removes a large portion of the ‘stretchy’ part of the stomach, resulting in a gastric tube (imagine a small banana) that has a capacity of around 150ml (which will eventually stretch to around 250ml). 

Being overweight or obese is a controllable risk factor for GERD, so losing weight with the help of weight loss surgery can potentially help reduce the symptoms. The Roux-en-Y gastric bypass for example was considered effective at alleviating symptoms (NIH) but with gastric sleeve surgery specifically, the procedure doesn’t always lead to resolved GERD.

Gastric sleeve

Does gastric sleeve surgery cause reflux

Obesity is a risk factor for acid reflux as excessive pressure is put on the stomach, weakening the LES (lower oesophageal sphincter). But gastric sleeve surgery can also decrease the pressure around the LES, making it weak. As the stomach is already much smaller in size as a result of surgery, this can add to the pressure. 

If you are considering bariatric surgery as a way to help you achieve long-term health goals through sustainable weight loss, your doctor or surgeon will explain the risks associated with each surgery option, and if appropriate will recommend what treatment would be most suited to your individual needs. 

Do you need more information?

If you would like to speak to one of our specialised team or enquire about making an appointment at our clinic,
please call 02 9553 1120 or submit an enquiry.


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