Have you noticed that your weekly shopping costs seem to be slowly increasing once you reach the checkout? According to Forbes, the federal government and Reserve Bank have forecast that inflation in Australia will peak at 7.75% in the December quarter of 2022. As a... Read more
Weight loss surgery is an effective tool to help you achieve weight loss, but long-term success is determined by diet and lifestyle changes. After surgery the focus should be on sustainable eating and exercise habits, maintenance of nutrition by eating healthy foods... Read more
The term reflux is used to describe a group of symptoms caused when acid or gastric content moves from the stomach up the oesophagus. It’s often also referred to as heartburn, but this is simply a symptom; ‘heartburn’ is used to describe the pain felt behind the lower... Read more
As well as creating our own content around the topic of obesity and life-changing treatment, we are constantly exploring others’ ideas and opinions. We discovered an article, A Sad Tale of 2 Bypass Surgeries, that has an interesting way of demonstrating the... Read more
Our Surgeons Dr. Michael Talbot |MB ChB FRACS Dr. Gary Yee |MBBS FRACS Dr. Jason Maani |BHB MBChB FRACS Our Doctors Dr. Georgia Rigas |MBBS FRACGP Dr. Jennifer Matthei |BSc(med) MBBS (hons)... Read more