In 2020 it’s hard not to have some understanding of what bariatric surgery is and it’s purpose for those suffering from obesity. But unfortunately, even in a time when there is so much awareness around the obesity epidemic gripping the western nations, there is still... Read more
If you have been researching bariatric surgery as a tool to help you return to a healthy weight and lifestyle, you will understand that your eating habits and diet following surgery will need to change significantly. Not only as a result of structural changes to the... Read more
A question we are often asked by our patients is whether or not they need to go on a diet before they have bariatric surgery. So today we thought we would explain the pre-surgery diet that we recommend to our patients and why. Why do I need a special diet... Read more
Bariatric surgery, very much like any privately funded treatment, can become costly if you don’t have private health insurance to assist in covering costs. Obesity is considered a pre-existing condition for most patients, therefore with private health funds, you are... Read more
This is your chance to have your say on a national strategy to tackle obesity. A range of social, environmental & economic factors contribute to obesity or a person being able to maintain a healthy weight. If the current trend continues more than 18 million (⅔ of... Read more
You may have heard of intermittent fasting, the 5:2 diet, eat-stop-eat, the 16/8 method… there are many different names for intermittent fasting but essentially they all follow the same theory of having periods during which you can eat “normally” and periods of... Read more
Each year the International Federation for the Surgery of Obesity and Metabolic Disorders (IFSO) hold an event attended by surgeons, multidisciplinary support staff, researchers, physicians and other healthcare professionals. The main goal of IFSO is the optimisation... Read more
On the 11th of October every year is World Obesity Day. A day that was created to raise awareness about obesity-related issues such as weight stigma (2018), investing in obesity treatment (2017) and childhood obesity (2016). But World Obesity Day 2019 has a new... Read more