When we hear the term “weight loss surgery” or “bariatric surgery” we associate this with a person undergoing surgery in order to help them lose weight, a procedure not only changing/prolonging their life but quite often saving their life. What not discussed as often... Read more
We held our first support group meeting of 2017 in February, hosted by our resident psychologist Fiona Tzouramanis. The topic up for discussion was “maintaining motivation after surgery and beyond”, something vital for our patient’s success long-term for weight loss... Read more
We already know that Australia is facing an obesity epidemic; it has been widely documented in research, in the press and by medical professionals. In 2014-15 an estimated 11.2 million Australian adults were overweight or obese. The problem is more prevalent in males... Read more
You have probably heard the term BMI used before when relating to a person’s weight, but what is BMI? BMI stands for Body Mass Index and is an estimation of a person’s body fat based on their height and weight. To calculate your BMI you first need to find out your... Read more
We held our final support group of 2016 on Thursday 25th of November, finishing the year with a discussion about emotional eating. The meeting was lead by our psychologist Fiona and our practice nurse Tania. The aim of this meeting was to help our patients understand:... Read more
Making the decision to have weight loss surgery may be difficult for people as there are many considerations to take into account such as cost, risk of surgery and making such a large lifestyle change. Quite often you may not know anyone else who has had the same or... Read more
Consumption of Alcohol by the Body Alcohol whenever consumed is the first fuel for the body to burn; while your body is processing the alcohol it will not burn fat. It will not stop your weight loss, but it will postpone it. After consuming your first alcoholic drink,... Read more
Cooking for Christmas while still following healthy eating guidelines after weight loss surgery, is achievable. This is a good opportunity to make Christmas a little bit different this year and a lot healthier. There is no need to feel like you’re missing out either,... Read more