Our last support group meeting featured guest speaker Dr Amira Sanki who is a Sydney based plastic surgeon at Southern Aesthetic Plastic Surgery. The reason we had Dr Sanki speak at our support group is because when a person loses a significant amount of weight... Read more
Not only as a nation but worldwide we are seeing obesity rates steadily increase. There are many different arguments as to what could be causing this and how we fix the epidemic, but we are not going to debate them today. Today we are going to explain why bariatric... Read more
Pizza, cheeseburgers, french fries… I’m yet to meet a person that doesn’t have a love for one of all of these foods. We assume that it is the taste of these foods that drives us to love them and crave them, but have you ever considered that maybe your craving for high... Read more
Analogy – a comparison between one thing and another, typically for the purpose of explanation or clarification. Bariatric surgery is often viewed by the world as a ‘quick’, ‘easy’, ‘lazy’ way to lose weight. It is viewed as a ‘one off’ operation that will fix a... Read more
When eating a delicious and nutritious meal it’s very hard for most of us to stop when we are full, as it’s so tasty right? Or you’ve been raised as a child to eat everything on your plate so you don’t waste food and it’s stuck with you? Whatever your reason, the... Read more
Bariatric surgery is a life changing event and can have a massive impact on not only your weight but your long-term health. However it isn’t a ‘quick and easy solution’; it requires a lifelong commitment to a change of diet and lifestyle. That’s why we encourage all... Read more
In April Upper GI Surgery was awarded the Bariatric Centre of Excellence accreditation by the Surgical Review Corporation (SRC).This is a renewal of our original accreditation that we achieved in 2015. Our lead surgeon A/Prof Michael Talbot and another of our surgeons... Read more
With so many different fad diets floating around today we are constantly exposed to mixed messages about diet and what is okay and what isn’t. A common misconception that is promoted is to eat five small meals a day, or that you should have a morning/afternoon snack... Read more