It’s that time again when the new year’s resolutions have come and gone, and people are slowly slipping back into their old routines. One of your goals this year might have been to exercise more, but maybe you are finding this difficult to stick to and are now... Read more
One of the questions that we are often asked when somebody is considering bariatric surgery is whether or not they need to lose weight before they are able to have surgery. In many cases, the reason that the patient is considering surgery is because they are finding... Read more
Can I get pregnant following bariatric surgery? This is a question we are commonly asked. Following bariatric surgery, most women find their fertility rapidly improves. So much may your fertility improve over the first couple of months that it may be possible... Read more
So, you have made the decision to have bariatric surgery, had your operation, followed the very low-calorie diet provided by your dietitian and have had great success in losing weight – fantastic! However, for this new weight to be sustainable you will need to ensure... Read more
It’s that time of year again – the decorations are up, the Christmas songs are playing on the radio, the supermarkets have chocolate on the end of every shelf and Christmas parties/gatherings are in full swing. For most of us this is a time of year that we use... Read more
Our most recent support group was held by our psychologist Fiona Tzouramanis and focussed on a discussion of the 4 eating cycles developed by Dr Michelle May, the founder of “Am I Hungry, Mindful Eating Programs”. You can check out her website for... Read more
Dr Georgia Rigas, our senior Bariatric Medical Practitioner has insights into weight management gleaned from being involved in the care of thousands of patients during their weight loss journey. She has a has a useful analogy for the role that bariatric surgery plays... Read more
Dr Georgia Rigas, one of our resident GP’s and a very experienced bariatric practitioner, recently attended the Obesity Summit Australia 2018. Dr Rigas is Chair of the RACGP Obesity Management Specific Interests network and represented Australia’s GP’s at the summit.... Read more