As we enter a new year in 2021 we can reflect on how much has changed in the last 20 years. The mobile phone, which was once revolutionary, has been replaced by the ‘smartphone’, allowing us access to information wherever we are whenever we need it. We no longer hire... Read more
Bariatric surgery, very much like any privately funded treatment, can become costly if you don’t have private health insurance to assist in covering costs. Obesity is considered a pre-existing condition for most patients, therefore with private health funds, you are... Read more
If you’re considering bariatric surgery, or are about to start your journey towards a healthier lifestyle, gathering as much information as possible along with seeking on-going support are very important. Thankfully in 2020, we have access to the latest medical... Read more
At Upper GI Surgery (UGIS) we have a multidisciplinary team dedicated to your care. In addition to our surgeons and doctors, our practice also includes nurses, dietitian, psychologist, administration, management and reception staff. The team has gradually expanded... Read more