Robotic surgery has been growing in popularity around the world for both patients and surgeons; it is providing very real benefits in complex operations while reducing the number of incisions used in some smaller operations. Robotic surgery is a more modern form of... Read more
Most of us have experienced some sort of reflux in our lives, also described as heartburn. You might experience it when you’ve eaten certain foods, for example fatty foods. Fatty foods relax your lower oesophageal sphincter (LES) and take longer to digest, so because... Read more
Bariatric surgery will improve health long-term as it greatly assists a person in losing excess weight. Because it involves surgery and because that surgery changes how your digestive system (stomach) works, it clearly involves some risks that need to be balanced... Read more
People who are overweight or living with obesity that become infected with Covid-19 have a number of issues that potentially make them more vulnerable to severe illness. Increased adipose tissue increases how much Angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) your body... Read more
Eating tips during lockdown following bariatric surgery With Sydney facing lockdown until at least the 28th of August, knowing that we are not alone while other states continue to go in and out of different levels of social restrictions, these uncertain times have... Read more